The State of America: Tiger Woods automobile accident took over last night's news. Commercially, I guess, it was a winner. It was what mattered most to most Americans last night. Who gives a shit? Yet I found myself watching the coverage over dinner. I was, I guess, reliving my own accident. Being taken to the trauma center rather than the nearest hospital. Being "packaged" and put on a body board. Getting metal put in to shore up your body. Etc.
Otherwise, I mean for anyone who had not personal interest. . . why? Is it really important to people that he plays golf again?
Meanwhile, hardly anyone noticed this.
Was Ferlinghetti a good poet? I never liked reading him. But was he an American icon? Well fuck yea. Any trip I've ever taken to San Francisco always included a pilgrimage to City Lights Books. I've been going since 1975. Ferlinghetti hung around for a long time and was apparently lively 'til the end. The loss is significant to me.
I didn't see anything about it on the evening news.
Here is a wonderful tribute, however, put out today by the N.Y. Times.
Funny to me. . . I don't think I ever took a photograph inside City Lights. I don't think I have a single image. Weird, that. Last time I was there, though, I bought Ili and I some books. I spent money there every time I went. There was always more than I could carry home that I desired, though. And now, it is one of the few bookstores left in S.F. Crazy, right?
I wonder how many golf shops there are?
This is not what I had intended to write about this morning, however. I am like a news channel, eh?
Update: This just scared the shit out of me hopping across my floor.
He is huge! I don't want to deal with it, but I will have to. This is an invasive species in my own home state and they are doing much ecological damage, or so I've heard. The agricultural school of my state's major university has this to say:
"Cuban Treefrogs are pests, but they are living animals and should always be treated humanely. We recommend a two-part method to humanely euthanize these frogs and ensure that the method was successful. ... The frog will become comatose within about a minute, and will soon be euthanized."
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