Again. A life of redundancy.
Should I tell you (again) about sitting on the deck with a cocktail and cheroot? Should I whine again about being lonesome and unloved? Should I gossip about some girl or another in my imperfect future?
Oh. . . and that fabulous Mrs. Maisel show. . . .
The longest day has passed. Did I mention that?
Or should I tell you I go to the beautician's today?
I could extol the virtues of writing EVERY day, and then, in a hostile moment, challenge you to do it.
I could quote something, perhaps, some great piece of literature that speaks to my emotional state. Or I could play a classic or obscure song.
Or I could shut the fuck up until. . . .
Did I tell you how I slept?
I have sugar ants. I could start with a description of them and then broaden it to a larger, more cosmic theme, then end with another ant observation like a good writer might.
The best are the narratives, but they are also the hardest and one needs to have done something to narrate. Daily, I think about what part of my waking hours might make a good subject for the next day's post. Did I tell you about visiting my mother?
I am coming to a greater appreciation of Samuel Beckett's "The Unnamable." Have you read it? It is the final book in a trilogy. It is absurd. It is narrated by what I take to be a brain in a jar (link). It is about the search for an indescribable identity, for the creation of the self.
I won't suggest you read it. But I get it now, I think. I really do.
Something interesting will happen today, surely, something I can write about. A story, you know. . . the kind that people enjoy.
"A cowboy, an Arab sheik, and a rapper walk into a bar."
"I can't go on. I'll go on."
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