Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Roll the Credits

Here's one for you to figure out.  I'll give you until the end of the post.  

I'm shooting blanks today.  I'm hurt, hollow, and empty, and I poured it all out in my journal yesterday.  The bidding war for those will begin soon.  It is stuff I'm definitely not posting here.  C.S. may not be a high profile happy guy, but he is not my doppelgänger, either.  He's a buffoon, more or less, a marionette in a Punch and Judy show.  An entertainer, if you will.  

I may be sick.  It is too early to tell, but I think so.  I've felt better.  I went to Walgreen's the other day to pick up a prescription and had to wait with three people wanting Covid tests.  It's going around pretty well, I've read.  I've taken no precautions other than being a basic hermit.  

But my head is empty of entertainment, cleverness, and/or profundity.  Just a sad, worried hum.  

Maybe it's anxiety.  The smallest of things now seem to work me up.  The maids are coming early today, and I have much to do to prepare for their arrival.  I went to bed with that in my brain.  Woke up several times thinking about it.  That's just not normal.  

But I have much bigger things on my mind, too.  I'll spare you the details.  

O.K.  The photo.  I shot it through the windshield with the rearview mirror in frame.  The blue in the sky is from the window tinting.  It's an ugly picture, but I haven't anything else.  It could have been better.  I should try harder.  

No thoughts, no music in my soul.  Today seems one to be gotten through.  

Roll the credits.  

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