Friday, August 23, 2024

The Nightlife Ain't No Good Life

Too much nightlife for me lately.  I woke in the night knowing I was done with it.  There are many reasons for the decision.  It is expensive.  I am getting fatter.  It bores me.  I won't be missed.  

That's not an extensive list of reasons, but it will do.  I will refocus my attention now on other things.  But last night felt like the last night.  I won't reveal any of the details in order to protect the not-so-innocent, but things went south for me from the start.  Four hours later, I was standing in the street saying, "No. . . I'm going home."  It was early, but I was done.  I'm turning it all down a notch.  

I'm not saying I won't go out for dinners.  Occasionally.  With friends.  Everybody needs that.  But there is not going to be five nights in a row weeks any longer.  My mind and body become mush.  


I got a text from my old office manager yesterday.  Trouble at the factory.  I was almost willing to go back to work part-time to "save the day," but it wasn't going to work out well--for me.  So. . . I took a pass.  

People continue to send me memes or other provocative messages in an attempt to drag me into a debate about the election.  I am done.  I'm out.  Leave me the fuck alone about the election.  There is nothing anyone can say to change anyone else's mind.  If you are willing to vote for a criminal in order to return him to the White House, there is nothing I can do or say that is going to make a difference.  It only makes me despair.  That the Republican Party nominated him is crazy.  

But these are crazy times.  

And I am enervated.  I could use a personal win.  I need one.  Soon.  Until then. . . . 

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