Monday, September 23, 2024

Some Things You Can't Buy Yourself

  You can buy many things, but there are some things you just can't buy for yourself.  Yet. . . some people keep trying.  

For instance. . . cameras.  You can buy them all, the newest and the best, and a suitcase full of expensive lenses.  You can have a YouTube channel and an Instagram page.  But you can't buy talent.  

Trust me. . . I can make you look like a rockstar.  


I watched this YouTube "thing" on Julie Blackmon (link).  I sent it to friends I thought would like it.  She is doing something well.  Her art speaks, I think.  Were I one of those YouTube photography channel geeks, I'd think about selling my equipment and leaving town.  

Fortunately, I merely run a blog.  Though. . . I am thinking about hiring a college kid to write it for awhile.  It could use a good dose of fresh blood.  But I don't feel the need to run.  I'm already hiding.  However. . . I could sell some cameras.  

I do have talent.  It just hasn't been photographic in awhile.  But I made another delectable pot of stuff for dinner last night.  I'm not sure what to call it.  Stew?  Six chicken legs, six thighs.  Great Northern beans.  Salt, pepper, red pepper.  A pack of carrots, half of celery, six small red potatoes, three small yellow onions.  Salt.  3/4s bottle of white wine.  Water.  Pressure cook for an hour and fifteen minutes.  


Next time I might add some stewed tomatoes, just to see.  

That was, of course, way too much for two people, so I took a gallon or so of "it" across the street to my mother's neighbors.  They bring food over for my mother all the time, so we were due.  He gave me a taste of $150 bourbon in return.  I'm not a bourbon drinker, but it was full of flavor.  Bourbon, for me, just isn't as subtle as scotch.  

When we left, the couple followed us back to my mother's house.  We sat outside, and other neighbors came by.  We finished the wine I had brought.  When I left, the party was still going.  

I sent my horoscope to my old college roommate and his wife yesterday.  

Sep 22, 2024 - Today could bring you back to life after a relatively secluded and celibate period. What happens may be sudden, and most definitely unexpected, but like electric shock therapy, it will do the trick. This person could be drop-dead gorgeous, or have a scintillating personality, and they will think you are the most wonderful being in the world. Get out and have whatever type of fun is possible!

"Maybe one of your mom’s neighbors? 😂🤣😂🤣," was their smart ass reply.  

Well. . . horoscopes are full of shit.  That didn't happen.  

 There are some things you just can't buy for yourself.  

But I think I will try some of Blackmon's tricks, just to see if I can do it.  

"May I borrow your children?"

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