Monday, February 3, 2025


When there's a bar in every port. . . .  but I didn't go.  I planned to, but that didn't work out.  Still, beer and tacos were on the menu last night, and that was good.  I feel I gained a pound.  Am I going to be squeamish about my figure now, recording my weight day by day?  That remains to be seen.  I sure don't want to balloon up again.  I'm only two steps above hideous now.  I don't want to go back to three.  

But when a bar looks this good, right?  It is right out of an exotic old adventure film.  Anything might happen out of your wildest dreams.  Anything at all.  Hell. . . I sat here with an old love about a year ago. . . or was it two?  Some visage from the past, I know.  There are places where you can still dream and wonder.  They just seem to be getting harder to find.  

The bar is apropos of a world gone wicked.  Trump has turned the table upside down.  Stock up now on big bags of rice and beans.  That and greens and a little chicken or pork for flavoring are going to be your future sustenance if you are not one of the big boys.  As I've said before, it is no good being rich if everyone else is having fun, too?  You don't want to see the little people carrying on.  It is too disgusting.  

It has become obvious to even my conservative friends now that Trump, Musk, and Co. are jacked on adrenochrome and diet colas, and as H.S. Thompson used to say, the hogs are greased and out of the chute.  You'll play hell getting them back in the pen now.  Old "Giggles" Harris looks like soft core porn compared to the snuff film we are about to live through.  Now my most "reasonable" conservative friends are saying, "I don't care.  I just want to be left alone."  They know what they've done.  They and the Woke agenda adopted by the dems.  When your base platform is based on less than 1% of the population. . . well. . .  that just ain't good poker.  

But it's a fabulous thing that Trump delivered on his promise to stop the war in Ukraine on day one.  What?  Oh.  Well. . . at least he put into place some hideous tariffs on our closest allies.  Who in their right mind would want to keep the two large countries bordering ours as friends?  

At least Trump is closing down USAID.  If he were to take that budget and use it to improve infrastructure in the U.S., he could probably repair a bridge or twenty miles of highway, contracts going, of course, to people who contributed to his reelection fund.  

Infrastructure?  What did Trump promise on the infrastructure?  Right.  

I'm sorry.  I can't help it.  You can turn off the news and refuse to participate, but it won't help.  It's going to get you anyway you play it.  Unless you are one who has never had to ask, "What's our food budget look like this week, honey," it's going to get you.  Once the little people can't afford to go anywhere, the airports will be more pleasant.  With the national parks closed due to understaffing, they can be leased to private enterprises.  The money will flow, it just won't be in your direction.  If you are not one of the elite, if you are only working wealthy, you will feel it.  Trumpenomics will get you, too.  And the little people will rejoice, perhaps, for now, you, too, will know "the old thrill and despair of a penny more or less."  (Faulkner, "A Rose for Emily").

But this is apocalyptic writing and not my forte.  If I have one.  I'm no George Orwell, though I might aspire to "Down and Out in Paris and London."  Or better yet, "Burmese Days."  Yes, that's the one.  If you've not read it, I'd HIGHLY suggest you put that on your immediate reading list.  I swear I think it will serve you well in the coming days.  

That is what the photo of the bar reminds me of, I think.  Burmese Days.  What strange characters might we meet?  What mysterious or bizarre obsessions?  Let's go see.  

You come, too.  

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